Construction/Agriculture - N/A, N/A, US
The GHT United team has over 35 years of experience in the material handling industry. GHT United is a full service provider for all your industrial and commercial needs.MODULAR STRUCTURESWhen unexpected changes in business create new demands for in-plant space utilization, modular buildings and mezzanines give you unlimited flexibility in responding quickly - and possibly for much less cost and time than conventional construction. The scope of our modular systems offers a quality solution for every in-plant space need. GHT United can supply any size modular structure, single and multi-story configurations.MEZZANINESMezzanines allow you to gain the space you need without incurring the cost of new building construction or leasing. These versatile structures create new areas for manufacturing, storage and offices "out of thin air". GHT United can be your single source for creating complete space utilization solutions that require both mezzanines and modular building systems. This single-source ability provides greater engineering control and enables us to coordinate all aspects of projects. The result is a fully functional installation delivered complete