Computer Software - Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
The academy is an initiative birthed from the absence of an affordable coding school easily accessible for the youth in Zambia. With the evidence that Technology has become part of our day-to-day life, it is a necessity to be fully equipped with the knowledge essential to route through daily activities. This will be a platform where young people build their theoretical and practical skill in problem solving within the community and country at large. Applicable candidates to take part in this program are People between 10 and 25 years old, willing to commit themselves with energy and decision during a period of practice, who want to enter the world of programming, or simply, develop new technological skills to be up to date in the labor market. We aim to be more appealing to women and girls so as to dramatically encourage their participation in tech. This idea looks to contribute toward the educational development of young people by acquainting them with modern world through modern technology and knowledge; and enable them to become prosperous in life, thereby increasing the employment opportunities for other people.