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Girl Undiscovered.The BrandWe're a lifestyle skincare brand that is made for the Undiscovered Girlon the go. She can use it anywhere at anytime, from the bathroom to thebeach. Our skincare is about living rather than obsessing and looking.We're New Zealand made, Cruelty free, Natural, Nutrient-rich, Ethicallysourced and our packaging is recyclable and or reusable.We talk about 100% WILD™ which embodies the spirit of our free girl,the lands in which our key ingredients grow and where our products aremade.We use our hearts, science and law to ensure our practice is sustainableand that our products will work to give the best results suitable for allskin types (especially sensitive skin) and leave you feeling your best self.Our co-founders worked hard to seek the highest quality key ingredientsand growing districts in Myanmar, Vietnam, Bali and New Zealand.We sought help from charitable NGOs and international embassies toseek the most ethically sound and sustainable family owned farms inMyanmar, the home of our key ingredient, Thanka.Our core values are shared through the eyes of our girl undiscovered.Through story-telling, poetry, photography and video. We're aboutcreating everything from aesthetics, community, connections, andexperiences of art and culture. We put our content where our hearts are.
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