Information Technology & Services - Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad Oblast, Ukraine
The GISFile is a service for a wide range of GEO-spatial tasks, allows users to use the service as a geospatial database, file storage and GPS navigation. Set Rest API functions enables third-party developers to use the service in their own WEB-development.BUILD YOUR OWN WORLDFor all users the opportunity to display and edit the layers directly in the Web-interface. Users can quickly create group projects, layers, connect to data from other users and share their data. Service allows you creation and editing of objects, as well as to share experiences with the community. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIESVector objects can be displayed on any substrate OpenStreetMap, Google Map, and others. Vector objects can specify the color, fill, get information about the object.
Apache Coyote
Google AdWords Conversion
Mobile Friendly
Bootstrap Framework