Consumer Services - Richmond, Virginia, United States
Because no two aquariums or clients have exactly the same needs, an evaluation or phone consultation is always recommended before service is established. The size of your fish tank, the amount and type of aquatic life you choose, the frequency of feeding, the location of the fish tank and the type of filtration you are using are all considerations in this process. Glass Box Aquatics will be happy to design a customized package to suit your aquariums particular requirements. We Specialize in Freshwater planted and biotope aquariums for home or office settings. Our services include Vacation Aquarium Service, Fish Relocation, Habitat Setups, Aquarium Makeovers, and Maintenance Packages. Glass Box Aquatics aquarium service for your home or business has everything you need to keep your fish tank healthy and beautiful.Physical inspection of the aquarium, equipment, fish health, temperature and smell.Water quality tests, as needed20-50% water change and gravel wash using water supplied on-siteInternal removal of any algae build-up from tank walls, and decorExternal cleaning of tank to remove water marks, fingerprints or any other external markingsCleaning and examination of filters to make sure it's functions at it's fullest potentialInstallation of replacement filter media as neededArrange decor to your tastes and create a comfortable habitatAdministration of aquarium maintenance products (de-chlorinator, aquarium salt)Delivery of aquatic lifeCall today and setup an appointment!