Sports - Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
.About---Chess Club is open to all GLA University students, regardless of skill level. Whether you are a skilled player who wants to sharpen your skills and test them at competitions, or you just enjoy playing the game and don't wish to compete, or you're a beginner who wants to learn how to play the game, we welcome you.Benefits--Playing chess helps to develop many mental skills that are useful in life, such as logic, strategic and tactical thinking, planning and preparation, and problem-solving.GLA Chess Club provides an opportunity to simply have fun playing the game and making friendships while building these skills at the same time.Competition--Those members of the club who wish to compete can join the team that will represent us in Maitree competitions and they also will get chances to play at different levels or at different events. Events--The GLA Chess Club organizes many tournaments every year, such as chakravyuh, checkmate, Battle of Chess, Chess in Udaan, Maitree, District level competition, GLA chess championship, etc. which are open to all students.