Insurance - , , South Africa
Global Choices 24Hour Total Care and Value Added Assistance Solutions Global Choices use collaborative technologies to rethink narratives in the 24 Hour Assistance and Value Added Services . We are living through a change revolution in the insurance industry. Most companies struggle to stay abreast of change and innovation.In a few words, Global Choices is the most effective assistance services platform devised. Yet surprisingly these benefits to your policyholders and staff can be enjoyed at a modest fee per policy per month.Leading companies such as Hollard, Regent, SanlamSky, One, Frontline, MUA, BSG and IEMAS now use Global Choices, because they've achieved improvements of service and savings to the client. For a cost equating to R15- R35.00 per policy per month your staff/clients will have peace of mind and 24hour total care. Global Choices uses their own 24 Hour call centre and App platforms to Assist in:• Roadside and Accident Assist • Home Emergency Assist and geyser replacements• Legal Assist• Crime Incident Assist• Emergency Medical and Trauma Assist• Replacement Car Hire Benefit• Funeral Assist• COID and Road Accident Fund Claim Assist• Home Safe Chauffeur• Commercial Assist• A Branded Mobile Insurance and Assistance App.View or Youtube video:
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