Education Management - Almansa, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Our mission is to establish a meeting point between different educational agents from all the world, to provide new opportunities for creation, dissemination and exchange of experiences and multi, inter and transdisciplinary knowledge that serve for formulation and organization of a new complex thinking and humanistic and philanthropic feeling to interpret the currently world, respecting their cultural diversity fully, because the peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development can only be the result of equity, sprouted from the appreciation and respect for cultural diversity.GEM is an educational magazine with international character that seeks to promote ideas and experiences from the work of educational professionals, as well as NGOs, Voluntary Associations, Supranational, National, Regional and Local Institutions and Organizations, that struggle every day to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the the United Nations by 2015 and 2025 (MDGs).Global Education Magazine aims to disseminate creative, innovative and transversal educational experiences and ideas from the formal ambit, non formal and informal, to break with the existing positivist and technocratic paradigms of the past that reduce our students in passive citizens and a-critical consumers, because we have as educational horizon, the freedom and the emancipation of human beings in any case and corner of the
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