Publishing - Beijing, Beijing Shi, China
GFM is one of the most influential private jet lifestyle magazines in China. GFM brings to life the latest in travel, luxury, and private jet lifestyle for its wealthy Chinese readers. It shows the special ethos and leisure life initiated by the aircraft owner; it will combine commercial value and flying life to provide the best quality of exchanging cycle for the elites of China. It is owned by Evergo Media. (永行传媒) 永行传媒( 为北京地区最大客户出版商之一,发行量700万册,旗下拥有《环球之翼》、《自由飞行》、《航讯》、《人保之友》、《美洲俱乐部》、《凤凰知音》、网艺artbuyer等媒体平台。主要服务客户数量达30多家,涉及金融、保险、电信、航空、能源、电力、通信、商业零售等行业,其中包括中国银行、光大银行、北京银行、中信集团、中国人保、中国国航、联想集团、荷兰壳牌、瑞士ABB、国电电力、中煤集团、大众汽车、西门子(中国)等知名企业。
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