Hospital & Health Care - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
With ever increasing list of diseases and humans trying head over heels to make the utmost effort to combat them with their exponential ability, we join hands with our medical experts to provide the best of everything. We at Global Hospital no more believe in the word GOOD SERVICES.We have dedicated to settle for nothing less than the BEST. Few noteworthy pointers should clear the air, needless to say that these mentioned are only a few of the best facilities provided:The facilities comprise of the most updated and innovative technologies to provide the most advanced treatment.Teams with the most experienced and qualified professionals.Providing the best location by choosing to be centrally located, within 100 meters of the most easily approachable area of the city (Ahmedabad).Centrally air-conditioned for maximum comfort to patients.Spacious rooms ranging from Suite, Deluxe, Special, Semi-special, economic etc.Best in class isolation beds, ICU beds, Dialysis beds and Neonatal ICU.Advanced Cathlab installed for the 1st time in the state of Gujarat and Neuro – Microscope installed 1st time in Asia apart from other facilities like 4D Sonography, high frequency digital X-Ray etc.Parks a 24×7 ICU on wheels and a 24×7 Pharmacy.A doctor by profession with a zest of entrepreneurship was moved by the plight of medical services available at the local areas. Inspired to serve all fellow humans irrespective of their socio-economic status Global Hospital was brought to inception to strengthen regional health care services and was managed by Global Longlife Hospital and Research Pvt. Ltd.
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