Logistics & Supply Chain - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The World's most senior gathering of shippers and logistics providers will be meeting in Melbourne between 8 and 11 May 2018 to discuss trade facilitation, international logistics challenges and other macro-trends affecting global trade. Providing a rare opportunity for local businesses and neighbouring firms to partake in an exclusive event hosted in Melbourne, Australia. The Global Shippers Forum (GSF2018) & International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA) conference will be held as part of MEGATRANS2018, Australia's leading logistics and supply chain expo. The Global Shippers Forum is the global representative body for the world's cargo owners, representing shippers to UN agencies including the World Trade Organisation, the World Customs Organisation and the International Maritime Organisation. This is the first time that the event has been held in Asia, bringing together major shippers and logistics service providers from around the world. The conference will include presentations from Ana Hinjosa (Director, World Customs Organisation), Bill Gain (Global Lead, Trade Facilitation & Broker, World Bank Group),UN bodies and the Secretary-General of the Global Shippers Forum. This event will be suitable for importers and exporters, shipping lines, shipping agencies, logistics companies and Government representatives.8 May 2018 – GSF/ICHCA and VIP - Welcome Cocktail Function9 May 2018 – Port Tour, GSF and ICHCA Annual General Meeting10 May 2018 – DAY 1 GSF2018 & ICHCA International Conference11 May 2018 – DAY 2 GSF 2018 & ICHCA International Conference (EARLY BIRD REGISTRATIONS NOW AVAILABLE)Member Early Bird Rate tickets available for the first 100 registrants, starting at $385.Exclusive member discount rates available for the following organisations:- Australia Peak Shippers Association (APSA)- Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA)- International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA)- Container Transport Alliance of Australia (CTAA)- Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA)- Australian International Movers Association (AIMA)- Australian Horticulture Export Association (AHEA)- Women's International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA)For more information go to www.FTAlliance.com.au/Upcoming-Events or click on the link below under the heading Website to go straight to the registration page and further information.
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