Financial Services - Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Global Leasing Company "GLC" was established during Q1 2015 as an Egyptian Joint Stock Company under the provisions of Law # 8 for the year 1997 & its executive regulations, with an authorized capital of EGP 500MM and Issued Capital of EGP 50MM. GLC is founded by renowned local and international financial institutions, including Ezdehar Management and SANAD Fund (a subsidiary of the German BMZ, KFW and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO)GLC provides highly structured leasing products and other financial & advisory services to the Egyptian market with a focus on specific markets & industries, including but not limited to; Real Estate Development, Transportation, Healthcare, Education, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, paper, Chemicals and Oil Services for both SMEs and large corporate market players.The purpose of GLC's operations is to offer a full range of international-standard leasing products, including products that provide accessible, transparent and competitive financial leases for large corporate, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs in Egypt. GLC will also have a social responsibility mission to alleviate poverty and foster the creation of employment in Egypt, as an institution with a dual focus to generate commercial returns whilst remaining committed to a strong social mission
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