Information Technology & Services - İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Globit Global Information Technologies, incorporated in 2012 by Ozan Vakar as a founder and sole owner, is built upon over 20 years of experience in developing software and providing consulting services to Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies.\\Globit's experienced software development team, as a result of their ongoing partnership with Misys, and with the experience they have gained on Kondor+, KGR, K+TP, KTP, KSP and TopOffice products, provides development and support services globally for MLS (Market Limit System), CLM (Credit Line Management) and KVAR+ (Kondor Value At Risk). From Japan to Argentina, encompassing a large number of the world's developed countries and emerging markets, over 100 banks and financial institutions use these products that Globit has developed.\\As a partner of Numerix in Turkey, Globit also provides consulting services for derivatives and structured products, as well as integration services for embedding Numerix analytics into existing risk management and valuation systems.