Education Management - Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
There has been a lack of research in the field of policy relating to woman and child in the academia. The same has been coupled with discouraging statistics on the conditions of the two vulnerable groups in society. Latest NCRB data shows a 16% increase in the crimes against women and a 20% increase in the crimes against children. Poor statistics have also been revealed for the State of Gujarat. It was found by the National Health Profile 2019 that 6 out of 10 girl students in Gujarat Government Schools do not go beyond class 10 highlights the need for research and policy analysis in such areas. Keeping this in mind, Gujarat National Law University has established the Centre for Women and Child Rights. The centre is divided into two wings; one dedicated to research while the other for capacity building. While research division will be engaged in empirical and legal analysis to produce publications, reports and policy briefs and the capacity building division will organize field-driven activities with the key stakeholders (women and children) to improve their status and condition in society.