Management Consulting - Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco
GO4Managing Customers' Consultancy is focused on: A- Professional development workshops 1- Positive Influencing Skills 2- Negotiation Skills 3- Networking and Relationship Building for Success 4- Presentation Skills 5- Effective Public Speaking 6- Recruit, Appraise, Develop 7- Problem Solving & Decision Making 8- Project Management 9- Resolve conflict at work 10- Motivating your team 11- The effective and improved communication with customers 12- Delivering Excellence in Customer Service B- ONE 2 ONE coaching in: 1- Customer Relationship Management CRM 2- People's Personal Development PPD 3- Effective and improved communication whether with staff or with customers. C- Teambuilding/ Away-days organisation GO4Managing customers' consultancy conducts away days for staff. It is a fun and informative day in which teams bond together and breach all existing gaps. These team away days are organised in a way that all teams get together outside the office and are popular and powerful means of addressing current issues with a skilled facilitator. Whether your objective is team building, or to get down to work on a budget or business plan, you will achieve much more with an away-day. Interested then why not contact GO4Managing Customers' Consultancy by: Email: / Telephone: +212 (0) 527 99 18 53 / (0) 624 79 74 80 (Monday to Friday – 09:00 to 17:00) Or online at: