Online Media - , ,
The mission of is twofold:1. Provide an escape from the Tyranny of "Free": The internet has provided a lot of great artists and entrepreneurs an excellent venue to promote their services. Unfortunately, in order to attract vistors to their sites, they are forced to provide more and more free content just to stay ahead. This emphasis on "more free content" can severely limit the quality of content that they produce.In order to attract more visitors, website owners will have to produce more free content, until essentially everything on the internet becomes 'free'. Because most content producers cannot support themselves under this system, they will often rather give up than continue producing more great content for free. This trend will not end unless we do something about it. Goldhat intends to put a stop to this by putting an expected donation 'price' to every piece of free content on the web. Consumers of free content will be encouraged to donate, much like the street musician that passes the hat around after making a performance. The audience feels guilty not throwing anything into the hat. This is as it should be.Goldhat intends to pursue this goal until every "Please Donate" button on the internet is replaced with a link to a Goldhat page.