Hospitality - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Head of Casino Gaming Technical Dept( Gaming Technical Services,Gaming IT and Facilities Management)
位於濟州島的華美達酒店,是當地唯一一家五星級酒店,而位於華美達酒店內部的皇爵娛樂場,其前身是濟州島第一家娛樂場,歷史悠久,如今引進國際化管理團隊和投資者,將在其悠久歷史中寫下新的篇章。致力追求優質娛樂體驗的皇爵集團,專注為賓客提供非凡尊貴的服務,自開業以來,業務遍佈澳門及亞洲等地,務求將多元化的娛樂事業提升至更高層次。集團今次拓展業務至有「韓國夏威夷」之稱的濟州,全因這裡風光秀麗,氣候溫和,擁有獨特的風土人情,吸引國內外觀光客慕名而來,相信所有踏足這片土地的旅客都能享受一趟難以忘懷的旅程。皇爵娛樂場與濟州國際機場僅10分鐘車程,將為更多國際旅客提供便利的旅遊新選擇。GONGZI Group spreads its business in Macao and over Asia with the philosophy of seeking premium gaming experiences by providing extraordinary privilege to visitors around the world. Jeju has also termed as ‘Hawaii of Korea' as its beautiful landscape and pleasant climate. And GONGZI Jeju further ensures that travelers will enjoy a memorable journey by proudly offering high quality service here. Only 5 minutes between GONGZI Jeju and Jeju International Airport.
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