Design - Izmir, İzmir, Turkey
The İyi Tasarım/Good Design İzmir events, which were held with the theme of 'Common Futures' last year, aimed to discuss the new partnerships and collaborations between human, machine and non-human beings that are expected to shape our near future from the perspective of design disciplines. The vision of common futures has to move in a circularity that redefines, revises or redeems itself in each cycle. The most important reason for this is the need for the abstract framework presented to us by the concept of commons to be reconstituted and continuously reconstructed with different participants, which are becoming more visible every day. It is impossible for us to define and fill the contents of the commons pool once and for all, because even the idea of such a 'freezing' point goes against the dialectical and dialogical nature of the concept. Interrupted ecological cycles and hardening conditions of living push us to seek new partners and new ways of 'commoning'. It is necessary to add new participants to the network that creates the commons, and the effort for the common good needs to be constantly reinforced by the production of consent. The commons as a generative concept is a core of thought that we must always keep in mind as we develop future dreams of design. For this reason, we think that it is a necessity of the current period to revisit the commons theme with a fresh perspective at this year's Good Design Izmir event. When we look at the past year, we have painfully observed how far the vaccine development research and result products, which are the hope of all humanity to end the coronavirus epidemic that ravaged the world, are far from the understanding of commons in terms of access and sharing. That's why we say 'common futures' again and again.
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