Consumer Services - , Andhra Pradesh, India
GoOffer is a platform helps you to compare the prices in offline stores to pick the best deal in the right store, Our Mission is to create the One-stop shop for extreme discounts and offers to the consumers. Make every purchase using GoOffer to save on every little thing. We Bridge the gap between the consumers and merchants and provide Real-time basic search services to the consumers. We provide reliability of information that offers/discounts will be updated by the merchant itself and validated by GoOffer team. You will always find lots of deals on Clothing, Home Appliances, Footwear, Food, Electronics, Furniture, Fashion, and Beauty. Based on your area and interest our application will suggest you with deals around you. So, A person can just open our web app and just have a quick look at the deals available and he can go to store directly that saves the time and effort of the consumer.
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