Professional Training & Coaching - Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Global events over the past few years have put the issues of equality at the forefront. Now more than ever organisations are realising they and their operations are not separate from these issues. Especially as funders, investors, and consumers/users are making more conscious-based decisions on which organisations they align with.Some organisations have modified their branding and online presence without really changing their internal structure and practices, often facing backlash on instrumentalising social causes. At Gorgo Consulting, we make DE&I strategies goal-oriented, holistic, systemic, and evidence-based to ensure that transformative and inclusive change is truly meaningful. We support organisations to continuously "move the needle" by making these strategies accessible and sustainable. By recognising that DE&I is a journey, we offer tailored packages that accommodate the different needs of organisations as they build towards being more equitable and inclusive spaces that are representative of society's nuances.With over 12-years of cumulative working experience in the "EU bubble", we have interacted with different stakeholders on the issues of equality. From grassroots activism to institutional advocacy, as well as engaging private sector companies. Being solution-focused for change is always at the core of our work, no matter who we work with.Being true to the roots of its name, "Gorgo" Consulting derives from the experiences of its founders (Eleonora del Vecchio and Emma Rainey) who are passionate about women's participation in policy-shaping and decision-making. By applying an intersectional lens to DE&I, it means that we go beyond "gender" to take into account the different lived experiences of other marginalised groups.By using co-creational processes, our packages are comprehensively designed to aid those developing or refining their understanding and implementation of DE&I strategies by getting collective buy-in from all levels of the org
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