Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
We are a group of volunteers that are passionate about change driven by young people at the grassroots level.The problem: no voice for the people leading to powerlessness.The solution: forums where people can organize themselves and impact their environment and community together.If people have power they will ensure that their problems are solved. To have power is to have an effective say. But to have any say you need a forum. And forums have to be small enough if the small voices of the "small" people are also to be heard, and linked enough if their voices are to have effective reach at ever wider levels. When we introduce neighborhood-based small-sized parliaments to children, we introduce .a new culture of power-sharing that could lead to immense governance participation possibilities. We have experimented in residential neighborhoods and schools for nearly two decades in India. And has now started to spread around the world, in South America, North America
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