Management Consulting - Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
GPM Consulting Solutions is a brazilian company focused in different kinds of solutions for the industry, maritime, oil & gas sector and international trading actuating as a specialized consultancy company providing international support for business related to Brazil and training for individuals or companies.Group has began in 2010 and reached the top levels of reliability by actuating based in 6 pillars:- Ethics- Reliability- Transparency- Diversity- Quality- Clients focusThe knowledge accumulated over the years has qualified GPM Consulting Solutions as a safe, flexible and reliable partnership option for information, training and consultancy, that includes:- CORPORATIVE TRAINING- ASSETS BROKERAGE- INTERNATIONAL TRADING- COST REDUCTION- COMMERCIAL AGENT REPRESENTING FOREIGN COMPANIES IN SOUTH AMERICA- CONSULTING * INSPECTIONS * SUPPORT WITH BRAZILIAN AUTHORITIES * TOTAL SUPPORT WITH MARINE OPERATIONS (TECHNICAL, COMPLIANCE, LOGISTICS & HSEQ) * VESSEL SCRAPPING * INCIDENT INVESTIGATION * ISM CODE * DRY DOCKING / REPAIR SUPPORT * CMID/OVID/DP INSPECTIONS * RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE Feel free to get in touch with us:
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