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Grab-A-Lane is an automotive enthusiasts' organization and entertainment website with over 4,500 registered members and more than 40,000 Internet subscribers. Grab-A-Lane's interactive website features a community discussion board, that has become Florida's fastest growing drag-racing forum. Grab-A-Lane provides motorsport media coverage and local events for its fans and club members.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Magazine Feature – awarded as Website of the Month in the 10th anniversary edition of ‘Fastest Street Car' (FSC) magazine: official publication of the NMCA Drag Racing Series and distribution of ProMedia, LLC. ("The Leader in muscle car motorsport events and publishing since 1998"). Article quoted below:"After moving to Tampa, Florida from Chicago, Illinois, this website's founder, Steve Block, noticed the local street car scene was flooded with guys looking to "roll race" on public roads, which, of course, is not only terribly dangerous, but is also just lame. So was started to cater to the racers that crave that from-a-dead-stop launch that we all love. The site is mainly a forum where racers can chat about upcoming races and talk smack to each other, but what's really cool is the video directory where you can find a ton of exciting racing vids. Another popular section is the KOTS (King Of The Streets) list, which is an ongoing competition for the local members to race against the fastest street cars in their area and find out who really has the fastest street car on the forum. Grab-a-Lane also sponsors a "Street Car Shootout" event in Florida where the winner can take home a large pot of cash money, something all racers crave." ---Jake Amatisto, Fastest Street Car Magazine. [FSC June | Volume 11, page 20; published June, 2011].
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