Writing & Editing - , ,
is it a duty, a privilege or what?our ability/duty/urge to reflect.it can be fun, or notit can seem like wisdom or just curiosity.in my own time of reflectionare there others seeking guidance from it?has my path been suchthat others my benefit from tracing it?or is it just a symptom of entropya longing for details missed in the past presence.a self-centered focus on my opinions and experienceswrapped in my enduring wishes and desires?will my path enlighten, guide and inspireor merely entertain or even depress or misdirect?My imperative is to reflect not only the lightthat has been shown on me by those before mebut that light that shines from everywherefrom the furthest point and the core of my soul.those moments of oneness are the guideposts I best recall.it is my privilege and my duty bothto reflect that light to you.