Medical Practice - Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
A Click to assess your risk factors of diabetes If anyone in your family has diabetes and you wish to assess your risk of getting this dreaded lifestyle disorder then answer is now just one click away. The possibility of acquiring diabetes through your genes and lifestyle is made possible by Haridwar based doctor MS Singhal of Singhal Diabetic Clinic through his two decades of research and study on thousands of his patients records. Incidence of Diabetes is increasing with our modern lifestyle, yet most cases of Diabetes are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes and even reversed. Although genes and ethnicity are risk factors for Diabetes, they are not the sole determinants of whether someone develops the disease. Environment plays a role, and so does your lifestyle. Staying active, maintaining an optimum weight and eating a balanced diet can help postpone or prevent type 2 Diabetes, even for people who have hereditary predisposition. The Genetic Risk Assessment Scoring System (GRASS) of Diabetes is web based software which assesses your lifestyle and genetic factors to calculate the risk of Type 2 diabetes for you. Check out