Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
Gratiae Singapore is a leading retail and wholesale companies that focus on elite skin care products and services and is the world's most loved beauty community, offering a unique retail experience for passionate clients and innovative beauty brands, encouraging them to be fearless in their creativity and self-expression. An organic and natural anti-aging skin care line products that are suitable for both men and woman. We observe that there are still a significant number of consumers unaware about the harms of consuming non-organic and chemical laden products. This is especially fatal or crippling to consumers with sensitive skin, poorer health or expectant mothers. Therefore, there is a very strong need for consumer education in the benefits of going organic, why and how to. Over the years, due to over-population and rapid expansion of businesses across the globe, the animal and plant to ecosystem has been rather badly hit and we want to take a more active role in emphasizing the importance of sustainability and responsibility for the ecofootprints created. Our Vision is to build an organic, clean beauty era supported by a robust ecosystem for future generations. Our Mission is to offer superior, organic skincare via cutting-edge technologies while harvesting ingredients from the ecosystem responsibly and sustainably