Leisure/Hospitality - Bunratty, N/A, IE
When people visit attractions, they have questions. They want to know more about the history, the legends, the place and its people. We answer these questions in an immersive and engaging way so that visitors have the best possible experience of the attraction.For the visitor, Great Visitor Experiences offers a fun, user-friendly experiential mobile app where they can engage with the attractions entire library of content in over 10 languages. For management of the attraction it is smart, intelligent data analytical software that offers a way to boost revenues per visitor, improve the customer experiences and inform smarter business decisions.The ProductsGreat Visitor Experiences has a number of products that allows visitor attractions to digitalise their offering and this will enable them to:1. Communicate with 100% of their visitors in over 10 languages2. Gain valuable insights into their customer behaviours 3. Place all of their consumer content such as their historical pictures, videos, stories, augmented reality and artefacts of relevance to visitors in one application4. Visitor attractions will be linked to a wider business community5. Visitor attractions will be able to provide customised offers for their retail, food and beverage outlets based on the visitor's location within the attraction and their user profile
Google Play
Google Tag Manager
Microsoft Azure
Mobile Friendly