Building Materials - San Luis Obispo, California, United States
Green Building Pages is a comprehensive Internet resource for anyone interested in sustainable design and building, a tool for architects, designers, builders, engineers, spec writers, and construction clients. Green Building Pages materials database provides these users with all the necessary product and contact information, as well as comments on detailed environmental and social criteria that show the overall sustainability of a product. Green Building Pages is a for-profit business dedicated to the research and promotion of sustainable building materials. Our homepage provides the user with access to our database with numerous search methods including product name, manufacturer name, CSI number, location, product type, and LEED credit earning potential with filters that narrow results by inputs and outputs, off-gassing, water and energy use and many more. This allows for the desired level of customization to find that perfect product for your next green building project. In addition to access to our database, our website also connects the user to a list of case studies, a calendar or events, news briefs, and links and resources.
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