Government Administration - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Green Cincinnati's goal is to help promote Green Building in the Tri-State and provide the public with the resources needed to advocate for the U.S Green Building Council's LEED Certification process.Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy welcomes the public to see, learn and do all things green in the Greater Cincinnati area. Through seminars, tours and hands on projects, green thinkers -- designers, visionaries, activists, home owners, educators, students, contractors and suppliers are encouraged to learn more about the USGBC methods and practices in designing and constructing energy efficient and sustainable structures for the benefit of the immediate area and the world.Please contact us at or call 513-260-9025 with any questions or for more information on Green marketing, LEED AP services, Assoc. Builders and Contractors, Inc. Sustainability Awareness Training, renewable energy, custom courses or presentations.
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