Import/Export - Dallas, TX, US
Green Clean Tech does what's best for global environment rather than to seek what would be best of our own interest, so we can all subsequently create and maintain vigorous future for our children.We believe that our company is the chain that enhances hope between present and future. Green Clean Tech (GCT) is a professional trading company with its own global network that purchases and exports domestic electronical waste (e-waste) resources to international recycling/refurbishing companies that are authorized with waste collection and treatment licenses.The current recycling rate of e-waste in the United States is shockingly low. E-waste represents 2% of America's trash in landfills, but equals about 70% of overall toxic waste. Accordingly, the handling of electronic waste to be processed each year is tremendous, and hazardous to Earth if not handled properly. Our mission is to reduce the overall toxic waste rate in the United States, and help the World become greener by exporting to international recycling/refurbishing companies that are currently in need of e-wastes.If your company collects and/or sells e-waste related materials, please don't hesitate to contact us. We can help your company grow immensely.