Photography - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Seth Thompson and Jeff Hage are so in love with what humans do, like, cooking, eating, performing, loving, and living –– the human connection within each photo is undeniable. They are purveyors of passion. Agents of authenticity. And most of all, lovers of life.Although they often shoot very different subject matter, Seth and Jeff approach projects in a similar way. Before either of them picks up a camera, they look for an honest and close connection with the subject matter. They look for that sparkle in someone's eye, that feeling in the food, or that undeniable love. They see images first with their hearts, carefully crafting an emotional story. Asking, what will the viewer connect with? Does it honor to the subject matter? Are we playing it safe or pushing ourselves creatively? It's that connection, that closeness –– that's what makes people stop and really look.If you're passionate about your food, your product, your profession, or just your life in general, then let's work together. If not, well, maybe look into that and get back to us.
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