Environmental Services - , ,
Earn your Green Business Certified status with the expert assistance of your local certified Green Consultant™. Every business will eventually Go Green, and it is better to do it on your own terms than to wait for regulations to fall. Environmental issues have exploded and have serious consequences. Outsourcing this task to a certified Green Consultant™ allows your business to stay on task and implement a comprehensive Green agenda.Let a trained and certified Green Consultant™ assist your company in earning its Green Business Certification. It is affordable, doable, and will add to the community perception of your business. Our consultants seek to create a true win-win situation where the costs of Going Green actually increase the profits of your business. Imagine a 10%, 20%, 30%, and even 40% improvement of your business operation and bottom line!Indoor Air Quality testing, Green Supply Chain and Green Purchasing, Energy and Water Management, Waste reduction and Recycling, Paperless protocol, CO2 emissions and Carbon Credits, and Green cleaning review are just a few of the hundreds of options concerning environmental challenges facing every business.Combine these savings with the public relations value of proving your company to be a responsible Green citizen in the community, and Going Green may be the smartest decision you make all year long!
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