Education Management - Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
The Green Learning Network: Building the Skills We Need for a Sustainable WorldThe green transition requires an upscale in global supply and demand for green skills, knowledge and attitudes. Universities around the world are stepping up, but they need know-how and resources.Which is why we created a dedicated space where education and training professionals from around the world can find a range of green learning resources and events, share information, ask advice, and learn from one another. Launched by the GGKP and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) with support from the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), the Green Learning Network (GLN) aims to inform, inspire, and innovate while facilitating partnerships and collaboration around green learning. Uniquely tailored to education and training institutions, professionals, and students, the Green Learning Network includes both a library of resources and a community of practice. The GLN Community is an online networking space where learning practitioners can exchange information and resources, seek advice on learning products, and announce news and events.Join us and together we can improve education and training opportunities and achieve the critical mass of knowledge and skills needed to advance green economy policies and actions.
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