E-learning - , ,
Green Light Learning Tools applies more than a decade of experience building educational products to the newest software and emerging technologies. No longer confined by paper and pencil and classroom sets of books, learning now takes place on websites, tablets, and even phones, and it is expected to be engaging, cost less, and produce results that can be seen in the data. The mission of Green Light Learning Tools is to merge learning and curriculum with technology to create better educational products. The company started with a single flagship product, Preparing for Standardized Tests. This interactive whiteboard series, now available for both Reading and Math, was created to find a better way to prepare all students for college. It utilizes interactive technology to engage students and student response systems to capture student data instantly, giving teachers a powerful new tool for instruction. Sticking close to classroom teachers is a core value of Green Light. As teachers acquire and learn to use new classroom technology, they need software that is engaging and yet sophisticated enough to help them achieve results. Green Light Learning Tools is part of the new frontier in education, where learning changes quickly, is both engaging and economical, and streams through new digital pathways into classrooms and beyond.
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