Computer Hardware - Marlborough, England, United Kingdom
Welcome to Green Machine. We are a green IT recycling, IT support and IT training academy.What we believeRefurbish, Recycle, Reuse. We believe that too much unwanted or used IT is dumped in landfill or crushed, when it's useful life may not be over. We want to stop that and use it for the common good. We believe there is a useful life for over 80% of the IT equipment businesses and individuals dispose of. We think that even the remaining 20% can be reused or recycled in a more sustainable way. Together, let's stop the landfill nightmare.We furthermore believe that business should be a force for good – if you do the right thing for customers, colleagues, business partners and your communities, then good business results will surely follow.What do we do?We collect unwanted IT equipment, take it to triage in our lab, then recyle the parts or refurbish it for use by organisations which cannot afford the latest equipment. Our collections are free of charge, unless there are hazardous items like CRT monitors, where a small charge applies. We recycle to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and destroy data to military standards. We provide full documentation for both.Once the equipment is refurbished we create a virtuous circle by selling the refurbished equipment to local charities, schools, VSO's and SME's at preferential rates. We train young people in IT and offer them a path to IT apprenticeship qualifications.Some of our trainees come from disadvantaged backgrounds and with learning difficulties where they have struggled to gain formal qualifications or hold down full time employment.We teach them about IT equipment, how it works and how to disassemble it. We show them how to recognize the reusable items or parts and how to safely recycle them. Our aim is to improve their working skills and professional interaction skills as well as taking them on a journey to formal qualifications.
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