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Green Making is the local community for building green homes. Here you will find space for online communities and links to resources that help you construct your own natural, eco-friendly home, featuring all the things closest to you. Membership is free, and provides information targeted to your geographical area. We help companies connect with others in the green building community. Contact us to learn how your company can promote its products to the public and to other businesses. And, we can help you find appropriate materials and services that will help your company achieve its business objectives. Green Making sponsors Meetup groups in the following areas: Green Building group: San Francisco, CA, and metropolitan area Green Making for the Silicon Valley Area group: San Jose, CA, and surrounding areas Green Making for Portland group: Portland, OR We have over 1500 Meetup members. Join one of our groups at Go to to learn more about developing the green built environment and make connections to others with similar goals!
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