Environmental Services - Austin, TX, United States
Green Ocean Sciences, Inc.Business Solutions Providers Through Applied TechnologyGreen Ocean Sciences, Inc. Is a leading development & productization team consisting of some of the Globe's leading; scientists, engineers, biochemists, and executive business development and management leaders. We develop, innovative and market applied technologies within the TIC space - Testing Inspection & Certification. GOS has a growing library of commercially applicable I.P. protected and patented practical solutions for testing, inspection and certification Industries including; Agriculture / Food, Cannabis, Water, Food Production / Distribution, (Adult Beverages) Wine, Beer, Spirits, Oil & Gas (Petroleum) , Chemical, Security, Defense, and Law Enforcement.The GOS' lead product line consists of a highly disruptive, mobile lab testing solutions. Assay result reports are returned in minutes (instead of hours) and require minimal sample preparation. This is a revolutionary technological feat that will increase volume and accuracy in lab testing worldwide. Total Sample TestingSolid , Liquid, GasDetailed analytics in minutes (not hours or days) - PPBNear Real-time analyticsMultiple Assays Run SimultaneouslyPotencyTerpenes Herbicides / Pesticides / Fungicides Mycotoxins / Aflatoxins Heavy MetalsResidual SolventsPhthalates Industrial WastePharmaceuticalsNarcoticsNutrientsCarbamates VirusBacteria
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