Warehousing/Logistics - Ukiah, CA, US
How does Green Plants for Green Buildings communicate the aesthetic, environmental, productivity and health benefits of plants in the built environment?•Our status as an education provider with the USGBC, BOMI, AIA, ASID, ASLA, and 14 Canadian professional associations.•Our Registered Trainer program, empowering supporters to become a green resource in their key markets. Architects, designers, green builders and building managers can fulfill their CEU requirements by attending one of GPGB's well-produced presentations taught by GPGB Registered Trainers. •Greenplantsforgreenbuildings.org, a website resource filled with news, research, case studies, and a page with contact info for all GPGB Registered Trainers.•An active social media campaign communicating the value of plants in the built environment.•Leveraging our green network by collaborating with other industry organizations working to put plants in every room, such as the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA), National Foliage Foundation, AmericanHort, Plantscape Institute of America (PIA), Australia's National Interior Plantscape Association (NIPA), Canada's Landscape Ontario, South Africa's Interior Plantscapers Association (IPSA) and many other allied trades.•Exhibiting and educating at vital end-user trade shows, acting as a liaison, and reporting to GPGB supporters feedback from specifiers and end-users. •Advocacy efforts, including extensive submissions to LEED and the IgCC during the Public Open Comment Periods to persuade them to include plant installations as a credit for their certifications.•Development of marketing products such as Alive! This brochure's gorgeous photography and along with compelling testimonials from architects and designers express the value of plants in the built environment. It is available only to supporters.
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