Education Management - Hoi An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Green Shoots is a K-11 international school in beautiful central Vietnam currently located in Hoi An. In August 2022, we will be moving to a new campus location closer to the metropolis of Da Nang. We follow the National Curriculum of England in our Primary Years and the Cambridge International secondary programmes, culminating in the IGCSEs. We are a values-driven school and place a strong emphasis on mindfulness and the wellbeing of the whole child. Ours is an inspirational learning community that fosters happy, mindful, and creative thinkers committed to the sustainable development of our world. Our students are passionate, independent life-long learners who strive for their personal best and are responsible global citizens. The Green Shoots Core Values of Adaptability, Tenacity, Independence, Sustainability, Thoughtfulness, Integrity, Cooperation, and Respect equip our students for the continually changing contexts of their lives. Green Shoots is a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Council of British International Schools (COBIS), and is authorized to offer the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Our teachers are qualified with credentials from their home countries and receive continuous professional development while at Green Shoots. Our community is diverse in its nature, with students and faculty hailing from over 20 countries.
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