Entertainment/Media - N/A, N/A, CA
Green Words Writing and Editing combines a passion for environmental protection with a love of language. We bring over 20 years of writing, editing and research experience and over 30 years in the environmental field to bear on your projects.Green Words can research, write and edit your publications. Although we specialize in all things green, we'll happily tackle documents outside the environmental field. We've worked on everything from psychology to poetry, fiction to history, memoirs to scientific reports and travel writing. Our clients range from non-profit groups to academics, publishers, writers, consultants, business and government.Well written, error-free documents go a long way to making you look credible, trustworthy and legitimate. That alone helps advance your cause, whatever it may be. As trained, skilled professionals, we'd like to help you shine in print so you reflect exactly what you want to out into the world—clearly, effectively—to fulfill your mission.