Farming - Warana, Queensland, Australia
GreenPRO solutions are committed to returning our land to the way nature intended.The GreenPRO implements product range is designed to assist small farms, groundskeepers, and park managers by making ATV towable farming implements that provide sustainability and no-till farming practices.With the everchanging agricultural landscape, GreenPRO is committed to delivering new techmnologies to support the needs of regional and rural communities in the most cost-efficient, sustainable and effective manner possible. Bioweed is proud to be part of the GreenPRO solutions family. Bioweed's goal is to help correct the current imbalance we see in our environments. Our naturally-based products have been developed to help repair years of abuse in a safe, healthy, and sustainable way.Bioweed is a herbicide made from natural and sustainably sourced hand-tapped pine oil, certified organic input, and glyphosate-free. Our garden p[robiotics and plant food were designed to reinvigorate your gardens, farms, and urban spaces with unique strains of beneficial bacteria and nutrients.