Research - Salamanca, Castile and León, Spain
Director del GRupo de investigación en InterAcción y eLearning
The Research GRoup on InterAction and eLearning (GRIAL) at the University of Salamanca emerged in 2006 as a result of the union of three distinct research areas. Such research fields (Computer Engineering, Education and Communication Theory) find in this context a remarkable complementarity and produce, as a consequence of their respective synergies, seven lines of research closely related in a transversal way. These areas are Interactive Learning Systems, Learning Technologies, Web Engineering and Software Architecture, Online Learning Methodology, Quality and Evaluation in Education, Communication Theory and Strategic Knowledge and Technology Management. These lines of research give rise to the development of a large number of research projects, both national and international. The most relevant of them are described in these pages. Finally, GRIAL carries out excellent transfer activities whose main lines are illustrated in the last paragraph of this article.We invite you to visite our website, to learn about our activities and services and, if you wish, to take part in out social networks. We are a group with a vocation for service to the educational community, institutions, enterprises and citizenship in general, because we are convinced that quality of education and research arefundamental factors for the development of our society.