Nonprofit Organization Management - Grove City, Pennsylvania, United States
Mission Statement: To foster strong individuals, families, and communities with Christian values by providing quality programs that strengthen Spirit, Mind and Body for all. The Value Statement of the Young Men's Christian Association of Franklin and Grove City serves our community members by:• Preserving our guiding Christian principles upon which the YMCA was founded, by actively promoting the core values of respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring;• Developing and improving spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness;• Rendering services to the community, in cooperation with individuals and other organizations, which strengthen the economic, social and moral environment;• Providing quality athletic, educational, and recreational programming by a caring and qualified staff in an open and all-inclusive setting;• Providing access to these services for each member of the community who wishes to participate regardless of the individual's race, color, national origin, religion, creed, gender, age, special needs, limited English proficiency, or ability to pay.