Public Safety - London, ENG, UK
We know PR quotes can be eye-watering, often with no guaranteed results. Grove Communication is different. We get results. We take your product & tailor it to gain media & influencer interest. Our Little Black Book is full of ‘money can't buy' media & influencer relationships. Our offices are based in London, UK and Dallas, Texas, USA.Does any of this ↓ make you sit up thinking, "Yes!" ➞ Struggling to launch a product in a way that hooks customers➞ Want high profile media coverage but don't know where to start➞ Brand vision is a little unclear & it's not engaging the press➞ Current PR agency is costly & you want better ROI➞ Tried DIY PR & got nowhere➞ Need to build or rebuild relationships with press & influencers➞ Got some press coverage, but no extra sales➞ Need more sales! WHY WORK WITH US:➞ When you hire us, you get way more media bang for your buck; the media value we generate each month is so much higher than our fee. ➞ Industry contacts are key, & we have the connections & the know-how to get featured in the media. ➞ We know what journalists want & what they need to know to make them want to feature brands. ➞ We are honest about why a brand is not successfully getting featured, & we create results-orientated strategies to solve this.➞ We understand budgets have reduced in the last 6 months. We are a small, nimble agency & can be more competitive, delivering more in less time. ➞ We look at every aspect of the long-term brand story & identify what the target audience will respond to.➞ We tailor stories to what the media & influencers will respond best to & align brands with the right people and media pages to ensure products are front of mind.➞ If your marketing & PR departments have been reduced recently, we can fill this gap. HOW WE HELP✩ DRIVING SALES & BUSINESS GROWTH ✩ DEVELOPING RESULTS ORIENTATED STRATEGIES ✩ MEDIA & INFLUENCER RELATIONSHIPS✩ CREATING STRATEGIC VISION FOR BRAND IDENTITIES GET IN TOUCH TO FIND OUT MORE
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