Computer & Network Security - Nasr City, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized byheterogeneous devices. They range from very lightweight sensorspowered by 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) to devices equippedwith more powerful, but energy-efficient 32-bit processors. Neithera traditional operating system (OS) currently running onInternet hosts, nor typical OS for sensor networks are capable tofulfill the diverse requirements of such a wide range of devices. Toleverage the IoT, redundant development should be avoided andmaintenance costs should be reduced. In this project we revisit therequirements for an OS in the IoT.We introduce GXOS which is designed by prof. Ayman Bahaa.GXOS is an OS that explicitly considers devices with minimal resources but eases development across a wide range of devices. GXOS allows for standard C, C++, Java and Python programming, provides multi-threading as well as real-time capabilities, and needs only a minimum of 1.5 kB of RAM.Welcome to the new generation of Technology GXOS.GXComputing