Investment Banking - , ,
The Generator of Initiatives (Géni) is an innovative prosperity instrument being considered by groups in the financial sector (Québec and Europe). Its mission is to generate economic activities that will satisfy any unmet societal need that a sponsor wants resolved (government, financier, association, company).\\To do so the Géni summons the pertinent ideators, wherever they are and from all disciplines of knowledge, federates the interested financiers and connect these people with the competent entrepreneurs, industrials et developers. Of the three groups, those that wish so ally themselves to launch several autonomous and innovative endeavors that, eventually, will satisfy the societal need.\\In the ancient tale, Aladdin wishes and the Jinn summons riches and castles (no information is given regarding the means deployed by the Jinn and his motivation). The 21st century's Geni is rather prosaic: individuals voluntarily take on the construction of real endeavors, meeting during 6 to 8 months with a collaborative and self-managed internet platform ; each group finds in the success of the operation its specific motivation (knowledge valorization, financial yield, profit). At the end each wins, all do the common good, and the sponsor's goal is met.\\You do have to make a wish (the Geni provides the lamp).