Internet - Sandy, Utah, United States
At HalfPriceUtah (HPU), we provide all the very best Utah daily deals in one convenient location in order to avoid getting 20 emails a day from 20 different websites while offering unique, exclusive deals of our own! Besides being an aggregated daily deals website, Half Price Utah offers: --Group Container Deals which provide consumers to get a certain product at a ridiculous price, but will only be able to get it if the container fills up.--Done Dealio's unique offers will include half price on more expensive items such as braces, breast augmentations (that's right ladies!), vinyl fences, replacement home windows, tummy tucks (that's right dude's), lasik eye surgery, and much more!,--Locked in Deals allow consumers to put $$ down on a deal in order to lock in a desired price, and are allowed a substantial amount of time to pay it in full.HalfPriceUtah on Facebook: At our Facebook page, we give away over $2,000+ a week in random prize giveaways. Many of these prizes are donated by generous local businesses who appreciate their local FB followers. Join in on the action to win your FREE stuff!