Luxury Goods & Jewelry - , ,
Luxury Italian Leather Handbags, Travel bags and ManbagsHello, my name is Jayne and I am the founder of Handbags and Manbags. Handbags and Manbags is a Dutch/English company specialised in premium quality Italian leather handbags, manbags, travelags, workbags and accessories from Italy that I have founded in 2011. I built up my business experience wih my former company in the service industry. Some years ago I have worked in the airline industry and travelled extensively, experiencing lots of different walks of life along with different cultures and different fashions which I am sure you can imagine. Nowhere in the world have I experinced the beauty, quality and craftmanship that the italian fashion and leather industry has. Italian leather oozes style and sophistication whether that be a Handbag, Shoulder bag, Tote bag, Hobo bag,Clutch bag, Briefcase, Messenger bag, Suitbag, Purse, Wallet or Accesories. During one of our family holidays I bought a few bags for myself and my husband. The bags are, after many years of intensive use, still in perfect condition. After intensive research into the leather industry I got in contact with and visited many factories (picture you at factory).These visits taught me about leather, it's production process and the quality standards. We have chosen the best quality manufactures and tanneries for our collection. What this means for you is that the unique, beautiful, superior quality found only in the world's highest-end boutiques is now available for you at Handbags & Manbags. Handbags and Manbags deliver the highest quality products that I have handpicked from the italian factories. We set ourself the goal to have a 100% satisfied customer score and will do our utmost to make you happy with your purchase at Handbags and Manbags. Our current customers are very satisfied and have recommended us to friends and family which has allowed us to grow our customer base, and also our collection.
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