Luxury Goods & Jewelry - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
About UsCasting aside boundaries, HappieWatch deconstructs and reshapes what timepiece embodies. Inspired by frontier art and fashion, we are pioneering in new dimensions of the Gen Z culture through diverse and bold designs. We treat watch cases as frames and dials canvases to incorporate infinite design possibilities. With our proprietary three-dimensional cameo craft dial, and intricate double-eye-styled hour and minute hands, HappieWatch has changed how time can be perceived and enjoyed. Meanwhile, HappieWatch is also leading trends in art expressions and visual appeals through various collaborations with artists and streetwear designers, and will continue to bring forward innovations and surprises.关于品牌HappieWatch小怪兽腕表打破传统腕表的局限,将腕表解构、重塑、全新定义。融合潮玩能量与艺术内涵,呈现Z世代潮流时尚的全新维度,打造具有多元风格的潮玩艺术腕表品牌。以表盘为画框,设计元素包罗万象,立体精雕纹理工艺凸显细节与质感。自成一格的"双眼"设计,拆离分置时针与分针,意为时间的交错使其具备再创力。同时,联动潮流、艺术资源,制造视觉碰撞及全新潮流艺术表达方式。HappieWatch小怪兽腕表意在通过多元设计触达每一个崇尚潮流的青年人。
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