Computer Games - , Beijing, China
Founded in 2008 in Beijing, Happylatte is on a mission to build great mobile game classics for the world. Games that pack intense social experiences into tiny screens and deliver virtual worlds into your hand. Our current games, Nut Slam, Pee Monkey and the #1 chart-busting title High Noon, are a "newfangled" blend of free-to-play and massively multiplayer social games for Android and iOS smartphones. With VC backing from Index Ventures in the UK (, who are investors in such giants as (Candy Crush) and SuperCell (Clash of Clans and Hay Day), Check out: Happylatte成立于2008年, 旨在打造完美而经典的手机游戏,将强大的社交体验带入手中的屏幕里,为玩家呈现一个个精彩斑斓的虚拟世界。我们的游戏,Nut Slam, Pee Monkey 以及蝉联榜首的High Noon,都是新潮的大型多人在线游戏,Android及iOS平台均可免费下载。 我们已经获得了成功,已有项目的盈利以及英国Index风投的全面资金支持,我们可以毫无后顾之忧的专注于游戏制作。(Index也是King (糖果粉碎传奇), SupperCell (部落战争,卡通农场)的投资方)。 请登录
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